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About Beach Villas

Who we are and what do we do..

Booking perfect holiday is simpler with Beach Villas by Agni Travel.


Ваш одмор је важан. Тим BeachVillas посвећен је томе да вам понуди најбољи избор, вредност за новац и подршку 24/7. Од избора виле за изнајмљивање, до краја вашег одмора, стојимо вам на располагању без обзира на све. Овде смо да понудимо најбоље решење за ваш одмор.


Верујемо да нам путовања пружају незаборавна искуства која ће трајати деценијама..Одушевљени смо дељењем скривених драгуља света на страни опуштања и подстицањем путника да задовоље њихове потребе за путовање..Дакле, Резервишите с повјерењем, нудимо гаранцију најниже цијене и клуб чланова поновљених клијената. Дозволите да вам помогнемо да резервишете следећи одмор из снова поред плаже..


Beach Villas је онлајн туристичка организација која се поноси тиме што испуњава ваше путничке снове од 2001 године. Инспирирамо наше клијенте да наставе са својим животним путовањем и изванредним искуствима.Сваку нашу имовину смо у потпуности прегледали и детаљно описали. Наши упитници и повратне информације клијената користе се за континуирано унапређивање наше услуге, у тежњи да понудимо савршен одмор у вили.Са 21 годину труда и награде које смо добили, доказ је да једноставно волимо оно што радимо и ово се прелива у ентузијазам и професионалност коју нудимо.Нудимо преко 600 пажљиво одабраних вила и апартмана, од традиционалних до модерних ... бићете размажени избором који нудимо.


What our lovely customer said about us

Villa Russa Dionisis was, once again, a fantastic place to stay during our holiday in Kefalonia -- one of the most beautiful Greek Islands

Sharon M - Villa Russa Dionisis

The Villa is in a lovely Quite area , plenty of space , Swimming pool was the saving grace for the 9 days which the Children took full advantage of .

Ann Maria B - Villa Ramos Dos

The villa is in a fabulous location set in olive groves with a beautiful beach nearby and mountain backdrop. The beach is accessible down a very steep path with breathtaking views. Most amenities including excellent restaurants are up or down hills but all achievable in a 15-20 minute walk. The villa is spacious, peaceful and private with great sunset views.

Sue G - Villa Russa Anna

This is about the 5th time we have stayed at Villa Charoula. The setting is ideal. Surrounded by orange, grapefruit, lemon and olive trees. Near enough to Polis for the supermarket, banks, hospital, and local restaurants. From the terrace there are magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. The pool, which is very private, is kept beautifully clean by Savvas, the owner, who along with his wife (Charoula) will do everything they can to make sure your stay is perfect. We LOVE it. For a quiet and peaceful holiday it's very hard to beat.

Pauline P - Villa Charoula Thio

We had a lovely time. The house was comfortable and the outdoor space was wonderful. We also loved the location and the taverna next door.

Hadley M - Villa Canova

We are a retired couple and we did not need a typical beach holiday. We came for peace and the stunning wild flowers which lived up to all descriptions. The weather is pleasant in the last week of April but not reliably sunny . We also enjoyed the bird life and other animals we saw bar one large snake!!

Judith G - Villa Popi

We passed excellent long weekend in the villa. The wonderful swiming pool and pretty white house. Overall, thanks for all services (including the detailed map, which is extremely useful).

Ziqing ? - Villa Costa Papagayo 5

Could not fault the villa. Perfect location and the facilities were more than we ever hoped for. The welcome pack of bread, milk, wine etc was much appreciated especially as we didn't arrive until late. None of us wanted to leave. We will definitely be back

Jenny G - Villa Xenios Dias

We had an amazing nine days at the villa. It was as described. The weather meant that we did not go out much and stayed by and in the pool. Very relaxing. Most evenings we headed to Donalucata, eating in a number of excellent restaurants along the sea front.

Gordon R - Villino Malva

A lovely villa, very clean with all the amenities we were expecting. Swimming pool nice and warm. We enjoyed the pool and table tennis tables very much. A bit of a hike to nearby restaurants/beach but having the large Lidle within a 5 minute walk was very handy. Would not hesitate to return again

Paul A - Villa Julianne 2

We had an amazing time in Orka World Villa. The villa was very nice, big and clean. There were 4 toilets and 3 big bathrooms which was amazing. The location was perfect, just 10 minutes drive from the beach. The lightning in the house was very luxe and gave a warm home feeling. They came cleaning the villa 2 times and the swimming pool every day. The tv with everything included as Netflix, Disney Channel, Spotify etc. was great to have and very easy to connect with your phone.The couch was amazing because you can turn it in a sofa bed which was great to watch movies on!

Violet D - Orka World Villa 2

We had a lovely relaxing holiday in Villa Prodrami The Villa is spacious and very well set out, it’s equipped with everything to make your holiday easy, the pool is very well maintained and a welcome place to be to cool off there are plenty of sunbeds to relax on and a bar-b-q for those fun filled family evenings.

Victoria B - Villa Prodromi

Fantastic villa, amazing location - we had an really lovely week. This has been our 4th booking with Agni Trave in the last couple of yearl, we highly reccomend you to everyone we speak to and We’re already looking forward to our next booking in May!

Jodie B - Kalisto Beach Villa

We have had a great time in Gerani and at the Villa. We've enjoyed every single day of our stay and were very pleased about the good service and the state the villa is in. It was simply lovely and we will reconment a stay to everyone.

Bas S - Villa Georgia

Excellent. We wish we could have stayed longer! Customer service was also excellent. Very helpful and prompt with their responses.

Silvana K - Villa Felice

Често постављана питања

Our pre-arrival department will send you an email informing you that your Villa. Online Check-in is open 2 weeks prior to your arrival. Once that is completed, you will be able to download a PDF file with the driving instructions and key location details of the property.

The official check-in time is 16:00 and the official check-out time is 10:00.

If your group of arrival guests is not under the age of 25 years old, you have an option to choose between 2 kinds of deposits:
-BDW (Breakage Damage Waiver) of 7 euros per person which is nonrefundable and covers the following: To cover accidental breakages each client staying in an Agni Travel property is required to pay 7 Euros for a BDW OR a security deposit. The optional BDW can easily be paid at the same time as your accommodation balance and covers accidental breakages to the property which may occur during your stay so that they can be replaced in time for the next clients. The BDW covers all accidental breakages inside and outside of the villa including (for example) glasses, plates, sunbeds, and umbrellas. BDW covers accidental breakages up to a maximum value of 500 Euros per person. However, we request that you respect your accommodation and in the event of serious abuse to your villa by any members of your party, you may be asked to leave. If any of your parties cause problems to nearby properties in respect of damage, annoyance, or abuse to any Agni Travel representative, they will be asked to leave the accommodation. BDW is non-refundable.
- RSD (Refundable Security Deposit) of 150 euros per person, which is fully refundable if the villa is left clean and tidy and without any damages after your departure from the villa.

The property is cleaned before each arrival and after each departure and if the stay of the clients is for 7 days then a mid cleaning will be done once in the middle of the week.

We want to let you know that hand and bath towels, as well as bed linen, are provided in the villa (beach towels are not provided).

Our properties are self catering, which means that same of the essentials, like salt, pepper, toilet paper, shampoo etc. may not be provided, because this is up to the property manager’s discretion.

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Редовни клиенти

Члановима нашег клуба нудимо ексклузивне попусте на виле, бирамо виле само за чланове и бесплатно „држимо датуме за следећу годину“.