Villa Kelebek Paradise - Dalyan, Регија Даламан | BeachVillas

From €59 / night

Villa Kelebek Paradise

Спава: 5 Спаваће собе: 2 Купатила: 3 Приватни базен A/C 140m²

Favorite Share

  • Спава 5

  • Спаваће собе 2

  • Купатила 3

  • Колиба

  • Приватни базен

  • Клима уређај

  • WiFi

  • 140m²

  • Минималан боравак 4 Ноћи

Introduction to Villa Kelebek Paradise

Property ID: 2234

Villa Kelebek Paradise is a колиба located in Dalyan, Регија Даламан. Villa Kelebek Paradise can sleep up to 5 људи (4 одрасли и 1 дете) са 2 спаваће собе (additional 1 single sofa bed) и 3 купатила. Понуде клима уређај and Бесплатан бежични интернет. Enjoy your own приватни базен.


Dalyan, Турска



Бесплатан бежични интернет
Сателитска ТВ
Cалон ТВ
Удобне софе
Врата за двориште


Штедњак / плоча за кухање
Машина за прање веша
Kлима уређај у кухиња
Гранитна радна плоча

Спаваће собе

Спаваћа соба: 1
Француски кревет, Kлима уређај у спални, Апартман c купатило
Спаваћа соба: 2
Kревети стандардне ширине, Kлима уређај у спални, Апартман c купатило
Могућност додатног кревета: 1 Single Sofa Bed.


Купатило 1
Апартман c купатило, Туш, Тоалет
Купатило 2
Апартман c купатило, Туш, Тоалет
Купатило 3
Породично купатило, Тоалет


Тип базен
Private Pool
 Sun Beds


Соларна баштенска светла
Залазак сунца

Villa Kelebek Paradise Садржаји

Постељина / постељина
На располагању су дечији кревет и висока столица
Бесплатан бежични интернет
Сеф за драгоцености
Smoke detector
Фен за косу
Даска за пеглање
Служба доставе оброка
Бесплатно вино из боце
Додатне Информације
Once you have booked Villa Kelebek Paradise, we will provide an online villa manual which you can access whenever you need. It covers all the details about Villa Kelebek Paradise, to help you prepare for your stay, along with information about Dalyan, including nearby markets, restaurants and the best local sights to see. In addition to the manual, we are always available to help should you have any questions before or during your stay.
*While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about our villas, occasional errors may occur. For any specific inquiries or detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be more than happy to assist you at any time.
This villa has been inspected by the Dalaman Region tourist licensing association. The license number is: 48-1204

What is near Villa Kelebek Paradise

25 m (Only 1 min walk)
Spa and health club
700 m (Only 10 mins walk)
750 m (Only 10 mins walk)
Car rental
800 m (10 mins walk)
Dalyan Stadium
1 km (Only 12 mins walk)
Boat tour agency
1 km (Only 12 mins walk)
1.3 km (16 mins walk)
1.4 km (17 mins walk)
Gas station
1.4 km (17 mins walk)
Dalyan Municipality Caunus King Playground
1.7 km (3 mins drive)
Dalyan Ferries
3.8 km (7 mins drive)
Iztuzu Beach
35mins via boat taxi
Dalaman International Airport
29.7 km (36 mins drive)
59.8 km (72 mins drive)
Villa Kelebek Paradise Map Location

Villa Holidays у Dalyan, Регија Даламан

Dalaman Region, Dalyan

Dalyan is a town located in the Dalaman Region of Turkey, known for its stunning natural beauty and historical significance. It is situated on the Dalyan River, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and is surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque mountains. The town is famous for its stunning rock tombs, carved into the cliffs by ancient civilizations, and the nearby Iztuzu Beach, a protected nesting ground for loggerhead sea turtles. Dalyan is also a popular destination for mud baths and hot springs, which are said to have healing properties. With its stunning scenery, rich history, and unique attractions, Dalyan is a must-visit destination for travelers exploring the Dalaman Region.

Изнајмљивање вила у Dalyan, Регија Даламан

Discover Регија Даламан

Your upcoming holiday vacation should be spent in a beach villa in Turkey's stunning Mediterranean coast. Renting a villa in Turkey is a wonderful way to spend time with your loved ones or friends, whether you choose to go sightseeing at the country's beaches and historic villages or simply unwind by your villa's private pool. Our villas in Turkey have all been carefully selected by our staff based on the level of comfort they provide as well as the amenities they provide. In addition, we ask that you take a look at our Turkey Villa reviews to see why our clients consider us to be the best villa rental service in the country. Find a vacation rental villa in Turkey that has a breathtaking view of the sea and a private pool. Let's get started right away on finding your next holiday villa in Turkey's vacation destination.

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Thank you, everything was excellent. We enjoyed our holiday.

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